David Cusick
David specializes in the design and implementation of data management systems for healthcare plans and providers. His goal is to bring efficient and reliable computer solutions to clients managing ever-increasing amounts of data. He is responsible for assisting clients with software and hardware evaluation, vendor selection, implementation and integration, project management, and strategy consulting related to a variety of systems, including:
- Medical management
- Claims processing
- Eligibility/membership
- Group rating
- Customer service
- Data warehouse
- Financial reporting and actuarial
- Medical practice management
In all of these assignments, David works closely with client staff as well as Milliman clinical and actuarial specialists as required to ensure that the client's operational needs are fully satisfied.
David's primary technical expertise is in the areas of software development and systems integration. He has extensive experience in designing and implementing custom applications, user interfaces, and data control processes. He has been responsible for projects involving client-host database design and object-oriented coding techniques using C++ and Visual Basic.
- BS, Electrical Engineering, University of California San Diego