Kieran Walsh
Kieran Walsh is a consulting actuary within Milliman, specialising in the financial modelling and technology aspects of the business. He works extensively with financial advisers to support their advice process through product and software design.
With the release of the SmartShield Series of managed accounts, Kieran is leveraging his actuarial expertise to protect investors from significant downside risk, while enabling advisers to have more pertinent conversations through relevant engagement tools and research.
Kieran has over seven years’ professional experience across a broad range of actuarial positions. His expertise ranges from retirement consulting to investment management, with a particular focus on quantitative strategies.
Kieran has previously designed and implemented alpha and volatility management strategies for leading investment managers and hedge funds. These strategies cover a diverse range of asset classes, including equities, fixed income, and currencies.
In addition to his work on the investment side, Kieran has previously consulted to some of the world’s largest companies in designing retirement solutions for their employee base. This breadth of work gives Kieran insight into both sides of the asset liability equation.
Kieran has worked directly with clients across Australia, Europe, and North America.
- Fellow, Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (FIA)
- Fellow, Institute of Actuaries of Australia (FIAA)
- Bachelor of Actuarial and Financial Studies, University College Dublin